We place Candidates into

Hire us to get you a job. We'll handle getting the interviews. You just take care of closing them.


Average Placed Salary


Interviews acquired for Clients

Work with Reverse Recruiters who

Applications with

Yes, you can hire a recruiter to get you a job - it's called reverse recruiting

Most recruiting companies work for employers. That means if a recruiter submits your profile and the employer passes on you, you're out of luck. At CandidateSide, we work for you - not employers. As a candidate-side recruiting company, we work with candidates through the entire job search process -- from start to finish. In exchange, we charge a percentage of your first years salary. The service has a trial to start where we get you one interview and you can evaluate the service.

Finding a job can be an exhausting. But with CandidateSide, you won't be alone. If you're interested in getting started, fill out the form below and one of our recruiters will be in touch soon.

How CandidateSide Works

Reach out to us

Send us your information with this form. We will review your information and if we think you're a good fit, we'll reach out to kickstart your job search.

Work with a Reverse Recruiter

Our team will work with you to identify what you need. That may include revamping your resume, LinkedIn, and most importantly submitting your profile to at least 100 job openings. Within two weeks to four weeks (typically), you should start receiving your first interviews, which we'll also help you prepare for.

Get Placed

You can expect to be placed within 2 to 4 months (typically) at a new role. Typically, our candidates go through 15+ interviews and we're with you every step of the way to ensure that you get the job you love.

Customers are loving CandidateSide

I am very happy and satisfied with my choice to have you land my job. For someone like me at least this is an invaluable service.

Jason Brady

Thank you. You guys helped out a lot because. I was struggling trying to get get these interviews. So that helps a lot.

Mathew Kopelman

My Experience with you guys has been fantastic. I have no complaints.

Steve Svetlick

I was truly amazed by how many jobs the team was applying to on my behalf. I was not expecting that much.

Joao Viola

I could never have achieved this level of outreach alone. Many companies use AI services, but they often lack effective application management, which is where your value truly shines.

Chris Dugan

Why hiring a recruiter makes sense

  • No more going at it alone

    The job search process is a job itself. Our team of experts makes it easier by applying to jobs for you.

  • Free up your time to take interviews

    We specialize in only applying to jobs. This allows our candidates to be able to focus on doing well on the interviews knowing they dont have to worry about the tedious work of getting interviews

  • Get placed faster

    By hiring CandidateSide to get you interviews we can often times speed up the job search process by several months, enabling you to get placed faster.

Start the program that leads to your success

Take the first step towards achieving your goals by filling out the registration form below. Join countless others who have paved their path to success through this program. Don't wait—your journey begins here.

Reach out to us

Starting a trial with CandidateSide is completely confidential and no-risk

Start your trial